Thank you to my Sponsors

Swarna And Colin Kish

Harin Kodikara
Hi Dinesha, Thanks for encouraging us to donate funds to a great cause like Fred Hollows Foundation. Helping another person to prevent blindness is one of the most valuable and rewarding acts. Have a wonderful birthday.

Gam Senviratna
Best wishes Dinesha, on your 50th birthday. Wishing you happiness always , Gam and Sandy

Muditha & Samanthi Perera
Happy 50th Birthday Dinesha!! Such a beautiful gift for this worthy cause!! May the day be filled with joy, happiness and many blessings!! Muditha, Samanthi and family!!

Ranjith And Mali Wijewickrema
Happy birthday Dinesh’s. May the triple Gem bless you!

Rohan Weliwita
Dear Dinesha Wish you happy 50th birthday from Rohan and Chithrani family

Dinesh Perera
Happy 50th Dinesha !!! Your wish for donations is wonderful.

Devina Perera
Happy 50th Birthday Dinesha . Hope you will have a fantastic celebration & year ahead is full of many blessings. With love ,Devina, Surane, Shehan & Shanelle

Duleep And Nayantara
Happy 50th Birthday Dinesha!! All the very best !!

We wish you a very happy birthday and pray for a healthy and prosperous future.

Dearest Loku Akki Wish you very Happy B’Day Mali, Nagi and Dinuli

Don And Nilu Sirimanne
Wishing you a happy 50th birthday Dinesha!

Ann & Charles Perera
Congratulations on your 50th birthday! Wishing you many happy returns for the coming years ahead. Take care ! God Bless !

Tala Talgaswatta
Congratulations Dinesha on half century of making the world brighter!

Ganga Vithanage
Happy birthday to someone special. You deserve the very best. We wish you a wonderful birthday filled with love and happiness! Ganga & Sarath

Kamala Udakandage
Dear Dinesha, congratulations on celebrating a significant birthday. Wishing you many more happy birthdays to come. Kamala and Nissanka

Edward Perera
Wishing you excellent health and happiness on your 50th birthday. Love and best wishes from, Champi and Edward

Samantha & Kapila
Wishing you a fabulous 50th birthday Dinesha! thank you for joining us donating this worthy cause. All the best! Samantha & Kapila

Rasika And Ranga
Hi Dinesha, this is a great initiative to help the needy people on this special day. Happy 50th birthday.

Deepani And Kamal
Wishing you a very happy 50th birthday Dinesha! We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with friends and family. All the best for the future. Deepani & Kamal

Udaya Senarath
Happy Birthday Dinesha

Indra Withanage
Dear Dinesha, It is heavenly appreciated your generosity to sacrifice your birthday gifts to restore sight to the needlessly blind. Wishing you life's finest things at 50 and an incredible 50 more! Indra & Tissa

Dinali & Clive
Happy Birthday Dinesha! All the very best! thank you for organising a great cause. with lot of love

Maithri Panagoda

Laxman Wijayatilaka
Happy Birthday Dinesha Ramya and Laxman

Maithri Panagoda
Wishing you a wonderful 50th birthday. We are sorry that we cannot be there personally, but our hearts will rejoice for you. Many Happy Returns Dinesha! Maithri Aiya & Ramya Akka

Amasha Panagoda
Happy Birthday Amma!!!

Rukshi Perera
Dearest Dinesha, May you be abundantly blessed. Have a wonderful birthday! Uditha & Rukshi

Nayana Liyanage
Happy B'Day Dinesha.

Happy 50th birthday Dinesha. All the best.